Senior XR Developer - Unreal/Unity + 3D Modelling Freelance Remote Contract

72% Flex
Full Remote
Mid-level (2-5 years)
Remote from:Sweden
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Senior XR Developer - Unreal/Unity + 3D Modelling Freelance Remote Contract

72% Flex
Remote: Full Remote
Experience: Mid-level (2-5 years)
Work from: Sweden...

Belmont Lavan logo

Belmont Lavan

Human Resources, Staffing & RecruitingSME
11 - 50 Employees

Job description

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Your missions

As a Senior XR Developer, you will be part of the core team creating virtual experiences to help understand and interact with future scenarios, products and services. You will utilise the latest VR/AR hardware and related technology. client welcomes applicants with a background from outside the traditional automotive industry.

Your responsibilities will be to create virtual experiences with a high degree of independency in conception and execution. You will work as part of a small team to prototype for immersive experiences, You will engage in continuous exploration of new software and technology that can potentially offer new opportunities to client. You will collaborate with other teams within the organisation to create Proof of Concepts that can save time, cost, and enable virtual types of validating and testing.

Do you fit the profile? client is looking for someone with a passion for developing XR experiences using game engines. You must have proven experience in the whole workflow from 3D modelling to creating XR applications and testing. You need to be fluent in English (written and spoken).


You should be experienced in:

  • Game development (Unity/Unreal)
  • Programming (C#/C++)
  • XR development
  • 3D modelling (Blender/Maya)

You should have a human-centric mindset, and be familiar with fast prototyping and feedback loops. As a person, you should be self-driven and work proactively. They see you as a person with a passion to find creative and innovative solutions on your own, as part of a team, and while collaborating with experts of different backgrounds. You are an easy going and open-minded team player with strong organisational skills that allows you to manage multiple projects while meeting deadlines and expectations.

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Required profile


Level of experience:Mid-level (2-5 years)
Industry :
Spoken language(s):
Check out the description to know which languages are mandatory.

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